Saturday, October 01, 2005

The subtle body

The human body has since old been understood as a microcosmos reflecting the macrocosmos. The subtle body reflects the qualities of the Divine in the chakras and nadis.
Once you Kundalini has been awakened and you practice meditation on a regular basis you will start becoming aware of your energy channels (Nadis) and and you will start feeling your energy centres (Chakras).
In your life you will start to express and manifest auspicious, beneficial and beautiful qualities dormant within you.


The Nadis are subtle energy channels.
The right channel (Pingala Nadi - yellow) and left channel (Pingala Nadi - blue) correspond to the sympathetic nervous system. The Central channel (Kundalini) corresponds with the parasympathetic channel.

The Subtle System

There is a subtle system of energies within our body, which governs our physical, emotional, mental and spiritual being. The energy centres (Chakras) and channels (Nadis) correspond with our sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous system. The Kundalini Energy in the central channel lies dormant, coiled in the sacrum bone waiting to be awakened.


The subtle system is the Tree of Life and Knowledge reflected within us. The awakening of the Kundalini means this tree will blossom.
Other Names for the Kundalini are the Holy Spirit, Ruah, Tao. The symbol for the Kundalini is the spiral, coil or snake.
Through Kundalini Awakening we can enter the Garden of Eden, the Kingdom of God once again. We discover the paradise which lies already within us.

Tantra means technique

It refers to technical aspects of Yoga, which means "union with the Divine".
Tantric rituals are practices which are supposed to awaken the Kundalini energy transforming sexual energies into spiritual energies. These practices are reported to be dangerous.
The "mystical marriage" of the male and female Divine energy must not be taken literal. Kundalini awakening in fact does not involve sexual practices. The Kundalini rises spontaneously and effortlessly - especially with children.

Ancient Knowledge

Kundalini Awakening has been practiced and talked about since thousands of years. It has been given many names in many cultures. It was considered esoteric practice because spiritual masters used to pass it on to one or two disciples only. These true masters could be Indian Yogis, Zen Masters, Sufi Saints, Christian Mystics or American Indian Seers. Through Kundalini Awakening one enters a state of spiritual bliss and oneness with the Divine.

Welcome, Seeker of Truth

Welcome. You must be a seeker of truth. You must be somebody who is trying to expand his life beyond ordinary material existence, somebody who would like to know himself, somebody who craves wisdom, not knowledge from books, somebody who would like to experience the Ultimate.